Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome to Magnolia Merryweather!

As y'all can see, our blog is officially launched! Whether you're new to Magnolia Merryweather or you started this journey with us on our Tumblr, we are so very happy to have you!

This blog will be a conglomeration of Southern traditions, locations, places to see, recipes, stories, music, fashion, and everything else in between. We'll try our darndest to be true to our history and heritage and show you glimpses of our side of life in the South - the classy, elegant side, of course!

So sit back, sip on a tall glass of iced sweet tea, and listen to the tree bugs sing as you enjoy your little bit of Southern charm and hospitality!

"The American South is therefore not a place or thing;
it is not a collection of folkways or cultural distinctiveness. It is an idea."
David L. Smiley


  1. I love that Smiley quote. Nothing like the South... I look forward to reading your posts!

  2. I LOVE this blog! Brings a smile to my face everyday since I discovered it!
